About Us

The Joyriders Therapeutic Riding Association is a federally registered charity and provincially incorporated non-profit organization, governed by a volunteer board of directors. Our programs are managed by a Program Team. Our AGM is held in May and is open to the public.

CANTRA logo The Joyriders is a founding member (1980) of the Canadian Therapeutic Riding Association (CanTRA). CanTRA is the national standard-setting body for therapeutic riding in Canada. Our therapeutic riding centre is CanTRA-accredited and all our instructors are CanTRA-certified.

The principal tasks of our board are advocacy and facilitation for the program, and fund-raising to help meet operating and equipment needs. We are supported by funds from individuals, service clubs, businesses, and granting and donor agencies. We receive no government funding.

The Joyriders program operates in spring, summer, and fall at River Trails Ranch, proprietors John and Kathryn Barrett, located on Rte. 2 in Hunter River, Prince Edward Island.

Click here to read our bylaws

2024–2025 Board of Directors

Daphne Davey, President
Linda Stewart, Vice-president
Florine Proud, Secretary
Heather MacNeil, Treasurer
Stephanie Compton
Catherine MacInnis
Butch McGee
Olive Moase
Cathleen O’Grady
Karen Thompson
Ex officio
Kathryn Barrett, Chief Instructor

Program Team

Kathryn Barrett, CanTRA Coach *, Chief Instructor
Lauren MacIsaac, CTRBI-2 **
Gilles Richard, CTRBI-2
Daphne Davey, CTRBI ***
Doug Ellis, CTRBI
Debbie Gormley, CTRBI
Marg Gray, CTRBI
Trish Helm-Neima, PT
Annie Macartney, PT
Ellen McCloskey, Applications Coordinator
Julie Scales, Rider Coordinator

* The highest level of CanTRA instructor qualification
** Basic Instructor-2 qualified to teach two riders in a lesson
*** Basic Instructor qualified to teach one rider in a lesson